
Are you looking for an effective and attractive outreach opportunity for your youth group?

Mishpachah, Inc. would like to invite you to consider our performance of “Dead Serious…About Life” as an exciting and powerful venue to use with your youth group. There are many ways to use “Dead Serious…” as an outreach opportunity, but the goal is to encourage your youth group students to invite unsaved or un-churched friends to see this drama. The results of this effort will be twofold:

1. You will see your youth group students reach out as a witness to others.
2. You may see growth numerically and spiritually in your youth group as these invited teens potentially choose to start attending your youth group functions.

The drama “Dead Serious…About Life” reaches teenagers where they are, show after show. We at Mishpachah, Inc. are concerned about that one kid who may be struggling with serious teen issues, thoughts of suicide, an abusive relationship, a serious eating disorder, promiscuous behavior. Many teens facing these issues choose to come to the Listening Room and talk to someone about their need for Jesus. Our goal is to reach out to hurting and troubled teens with the truth that the ultimate answers to life’s issues are found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Mish is blessed to be allowed to perform in public high schools around the country. We purposefully use this venue because some of our target audience may not be comfortable going to a church, but they all are comfortable in a public school setting. We have found this to be the least threatening environment in which the un-churched teenagers can relax and listen, and perhaps soften to the gospel. Our goal in the Listening Room is to allow the students to unburden themselves, and then point them to the One who wants to help them with that burden. They are then encouraged identify a support system, and to plug into a local church youth group, usually the one they came with.

Mishpachah, SuiteWatches Inc. wants to partner with you in reaching out to your community with the Good News of Jesus while encouraging your Jr. and Sr. High students to reach out to those around them.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]